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I am not going to tiptoe around your feelings,
They’re neither eggshell fragile, nor hurtful as broken glass.

I am not going to clam up and withhold my self in order to protect you,
You have loved, and love, who I am then, and now.

I am not going to speak loudly, harshly or impulsively,
What I have to say could be said alike in silence.
But I shall say my piece, nonetheless, in peace,
And listen to yours in the same.

It’s been a difficult fortnight, and I am aware I’ve been making an effort to socialise to keep myself from hauling up like a hermit with only my own thoughts for company. I’ve noticed that it is easier to sleep if I’ve had a couple of drinks, so I’ve been seeking out situations where I can drink in order to help me rest.

Although I mean ‘a couple’ of drinks, as in 2 or 3, and although I haven’t been ‘drunk’ at all, I have been enjoying the hazy, languid, glow that alcohol puts over the world – like a silk scarf over a bedside lamp – a little too much.

This is not clever.

I hope that by observing and acknowledging this, it doesn’t become a problem.

Today the entire height, breadth and depth of my insular world is weighing on my chest.

I’d describe it as somewhat of a difficult day but this has me thinking about what ‘difficult’ would actually even mean in this context. Clearly the day itself isn’t difficult. Getting through today is simply a matter of staying still and not expiring for 24 hours while the world goes about its merry way around me. I could do this and accordingly the weight would lift. But the gravitas exists because, try as I may, I cannot let the world alone. I have to act upon the will to change my life and my world, and as we all know acting upon a decision is what makes it real. Doing something about it is what causes it to have been a decision and not simply a wistful thought and as far as I am aware… no great gain ever came from wistful thoughts.

And so..
Today the entire height, breadth and depth of my insular world is weighing on my chest.

I got caught at a particularly difficult moment in my life but perhaps there was a reason for that. Maybe it took a disarming instance of vulnerability for me to see with any clarity how I needed to reshape my life in order to continue to grow.

I have decided not to seek to learn but simply to be more open to what the world is trying to teach me. It isn’t always the case that I know where the shadows in my understanding lie, it is certainly not always true that the lessons will come in the order i expect, and no matter what Einstein theorised it isn’t a fact that time will prevent everything happening all at once.

Make yourself at home.

Put the kettle on, settle in, let me know if there is anything you want but cannot find. Feel free to comment, feel free to follow. If there is something you'd like to share, please don't hesitate, something you'd like to know - just ask.